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Bishop Douglass Catholic School

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Why Join Us?

Sixth Form is a defining stage for every student, providing the opportunity to pave the way for your future and shaping the next stage of your life.

Bishop Douglass offers a personalised, stimulating and challenging Sixth Form experience which is designed to prepare you for the demands of the modern world and ensure your future success.

Why join us?

  • Bespoke programmes of study with 30+ academic courses including 22 A Levels, 6 BTEC courses and the Extended Project Qualification.
  • Small teaching groups and a dedicated form tutor to support individual target setting for academic and personal progress.
  • A highly skilled and committed Sixth Form team with specialist teachers who are experts in their field and passionate about their subject.
  • A trained pastoral team offering outstanding care and support.
  • An enriching experience with specific clubs, societies, student leadership opportunities tailored to the needs of each and every student.
  • Bespoke one-to-one careers and UCAS guidance: mock interviews, personal statement workshops and support, work experience, Oxbridge and Medicine talks.
  • Excellent communication network between home and school: regular newsletters, letters and emails; autumn target setting day and ‘up the ante’ evenings; spring parent evenings and termly parent forums.
  • Our purpose-built Sixth Form suite offers a library, a quiet study room, a common room with a kitchen, gardens, and specialist classrooms for dance, drama and performances. There are computer suites and media facilities, with priority access to specific areas within and outside school.

If you would like to find out more, book a tour or meet with our students and Head of Sixth Form, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the school office. 

“My time in the Sixth Form has established my strong work ethic, determination to achieve my goals and I would advise current students to take advantage of as much as they can whilst they’re here – the opportunities are unique and help to develop a plethora of skills and experiences.” Current Year 13 student
