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Transition to Year 12

We understand that the journey into Sixth Form education can be a daunting prospect, but we are here every step of the way.

Expectations on students are higher, you will be required to work independently, and there is pressure to juggle this with extensive extra-curricular activities. As such, we have a comprehensive Transition Programme to make sure you are prepared for the change.

November/December: Open Evening and assemblies, offering an insight into the Bishop Douglass Sixth Form experience and the opportunity to meet with our teachers and current students.

January/February: Interviews with Head and Deputy of Sixth Form.

March: Students are invited back to Bishop Douglass for a coffee morning with our current students. Ask any questions, find out more and begin to get to grips with the expectations, standards and what life at our Sixth Form is really like.

April: Join us for a Taster Day, sample subjects, explore our new facilities and depending on whether you are a current Bishop Douglass student or joining us from elsewhere, begin building or strengthen relationships with peers and staff.

July: Transition work.

August: Exam results and enrolment.

October: An ongoing programme of mentoring and study skills support.

In reality, transition never ends. You will always receive the assistance that you need throughout your time at Bishop Douglass Sixth Form, in whatever way you need it. Our goal is your success, and that is always our top priority.

“The Sixth Form environment is focused on success; the teachers are approachable, helpful and supportive. Students help each other to achieve and push one another to do their very best.”  Current Year 12 student