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Transition to Year 7 September 2025

Making the transition from primary to secondary school can be daunting, but we know that the quicker students adjust to their new surroundings, the sooner they will be able to achieve their potential.

To welcome our new Year 7s, and to ensure that their transition from primary to secondary is a successful one, our unique transition programme starts the moment every young person is offered a place at Bishop Douglass, aiming to provide assurance to all students and help them to feel supported throughout the transition process.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school over the summer term, and if you have any questions or would like to visit the school, please do not hesitate to book a tour or phone call with  a member of the senior leadership team. If you have not been offered a place at Bishop Douglass but are interested in finding out more, please contact the school using the details below.

Telephone: 020 8444 5211

Email: schooladmin@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk

To book a tour of the school, please email or call 0208 4445211.

Transition Programme 2025

Our unique transition programme kicks off in March and is designed to help both of us find out more about one another to help you settle into life at the school, long before your first day.


Our Transition Programme kicks off on Tuesday 11th March at our annual Welcome Event. This provides a fantastic opportunity to begin building friendships with your new peers, start to familiarise yourself with your new surroundings, meet with new teachers and enjoy taster sessions in your new subjects.


From April and throughout the summer term, a member of the Bishop Douglass Team will be in to visit you at your primary school to find out more about you.


Come May, your very own New Year 7 Guide will be sent out, filled with useful information including timings of the day, equipment, uniform, top tips and an insight into our student experience – you can find out all there is to know about life at Bishop Douglass!


Please join us for our annual Team Building event. An afternoon of fun activities which provides another opportunity to get to know your peers and teachers before Induction Day


In July, all new Year 7s will spend a whole day in school for the first time. The day will include a tour of the school, meeting your new tutor and classmates and getting to grips with what life at secondary school is all about and what there is to look forward to.


Highly anticipated Summer School! Stay tuned for more information. 


It’s finally here! Your first day at Bishop Douglass will be Year 7 only. This will be a chance for you to find your way around the school and meet your classmates and teachers, with plenty of exciting activities to help you settle in on your first day.

Please complete the following information in order to arrange a personal visit to the school. Our Admissions Team will contact you to arrange this.

Please complete all fields marked (*)