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The Science Department (Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology and Applied Science)

The enthusiastic Science Department aims to create an engaging and absorbing atmosphere for our students.  Our wide range of courses available at KS4 and KS5 has been particularly commended by OfSTED. 

The aim of science education at Bishop Douglass is to develop future scientists and well-rounded citizens with good scientific literacy. We aim to engender the ability to think critically and creatively about problems, and approach information and data with a healthy scepticism.

Lessons seek to build up a knowledge of the key ideas in Biology, Chemistry and Physics in addition to the practical and experimental skills required to investigate scientific phenomena. Pupils will develop scientific literacy to enable them to interpret scientific reports and in turn report their own findings. There is a focus on the mathematical skills required to analyse data and present conclusions graphically, along with the geometry and algebraic skills to solve equations across the disciplines.  The broad scope of the programme gives pupils an opportunity to study abstract and alien ideas far removed from their everyday lives in conjunction with phenomena we encounter daily, but often do not consider its implications. We hope to inspire our pupils to take their studies of the sciences further; we therefore teach a course tailored to foster their interest in a career in science and support their next steps academically.

We are the Royal Society Associate School for Barnet.

Science through the Key Stages

We seek to build up a knowledge of the key ideas in Biology, Chemistry and Physics in addition to the practical and experimental skills required to investigate scientific phenomena. Pupils will develop scientific literacy to enable them to interpret scientific reports and in turn report their own findings. There is a focus on the mathematical skills required to analyse data and present conclusions graphically, along with the geometry and algebraic skills to solve equations across the disciplines.

Key Stage 3 

We follow the KS3 National Curriculum for Science using a range of resources. Extensive ICT resources are used to consolidate learning and to assist those with different learning styles to succeed. We use practical science as part of our learning, and an emphasis is placed on helping students to understand how science in done. Lessons foster skills in logic and mathematics to nurture a problem-solving approach. Science literacy is an integral part of each science lesson.

Key Stage 4 

We follow Edexcel Combined Science specification for GCSE. Our most gifted students are offered the opportunity to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics as separate GCSEs throughout years 10 to 11.

Subjects are taught by specialist teachers.

Key Stage 5 

Full A-Level courses are offered in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology

We also offer Level 3 BTEC Applied Science in one year (Subsidiary Diploma- worth one A level) or two years (Diploma worth two A levels).

Many of our students go on to pursue interests discovered in KS5 studies at University or work.

 Curriculum Map 

 Enrichment Opportunities 

To support our learners we hold Year 7, 8 and 9 targeted intervention sessions and frequent revision sessions throughout the year. We participate in ‘AimHigher’ sessions for Year 9, 10 and 11, ranging from days out, to week-long residential courses held by Universities during the Summer Holidays.

Highly able Year 8 students are offered tutorial sessions after school to help them prepare for the rigour of the triple science programme.

An after-school chess club is run by our senior technician, Mr Carter, which is open to both staff and students. Lunchtime sessions are also held for competition games.

Other clubs include:

  • STEM Club: an exciting time for KS3 students to build on their work in lessons to try out new experiments and solve problems;
  • Ecowarriors: an environmental group which aims to make our school 'greener' through recycling

Some activities that have been run recently are:and energy saving.

Key Stage 3 & Key Stage 4

  Key Stage 5

Water  Rocket Competition at Roehampton (Yr 8)

BTEC visit to the Natural History Museum

Chemistry @ Work at Reading University (Yr 9)

AS Biology visit to Kew Gardens

Brilliant Club visits to Oxford & Cambridge 
Universities (Yr 9)

BTEC microbiology visit to The Crick 
Institute (NIMR), Mill Hill

National Science Conference at Royal Society of 
Pathology (Yr 11)

A Level Chemistry visit to The Crick 
Institute (NIMR), Mill Hill

Evolution Workshop at the Natural History
Museum (Yr 10)

Biology A2 Ecology Field Trip to Flatford Mill

Physics @ Work Conference (Yr 10)

The Royal Society Summer Exhibition

Wider Horizons Rocket Project (Yr 8 and Yr 9)

Lectures at The Crick Institute,
The Royal Society and University College



For further information please contact us via email - schooladmin@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk