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Bishop Douglass Catholic School

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We have invested significant time in developing a strong network of partnerships, because we firmly believe they help our learners to fulfil their potential and enrich our offer through an array of fantastic opportunities.

Parent Partnership

We firmly believe in working in partnership with all parents/carers. This is why we require you to attend all meetings about your child, take an active interest in their progress and wellbeing, and keep us informed should any difficulties arise. We expect all to adhere to our ethos and values of high expectation. It is important that you understand our behaviour management policy from the outset so that we develop a shared understanding.


We take pride in offering students a range of prospects and experiences, to broaden horizons, taking extended learning beyond the classroom, and inspiring them to fulfil their potential, working with a range of partners to provide opportunities for our students’ benefit.

Primary Outreach

Working with our local primary schools allows us to share our resources and expertise, for the benefit of primary pupils and staff. These mutually beneficial partnerships assist in our unique transition programme, ensuring that all primary pupils enjoy an insight into what to expect at secondary school and a smooth transition into Year 7.

Throughout the year, our dedicated team runs a variety of curriculum and enrichment activities, designed to supplement the primary curriculum whilst strengthening our relationship with primary schools.

For more information about our programme and further discuss how we can work together, contact pgant@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk


 Bishop Douglass Primary Programme