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ICT and Computer Science

Our computing curriculum is designed to promote computational thinking and digital skills.

We would like our students to develop into life-long learners in a modern world. Students should be able to assess the effects of this influence and make changes based on a solid knowledge of the technology sector. 

We aim to provide a balanced and informed curriculum across all key stages in the school so that students are active and engaged users and creators in the emerging digital economy. The curriculum is designed to allow students to have access to both computer Science and Information Technology but that all students learn transferable skills that they can use for research and analysis required to pinpoint key information to further progress in these subjects. 

We have two ICT rooms positioned in the C block. Both rooms have 30 computers with access to printing and scanning facilities. 

The faculty makes use of the schools VLE SMW to provide an online curriculum 24 hours a day for all pupils and parents. The school’s internal infrastructure allows the secure storage of students work and allows the teachers to provide feedback on coursework and homework assignments. 

ICT through the Key Stages 

Knowledge and skills are taught in a layered approach that allows students to understand more complex concepts and improve their computing and programming. 

Key Stage 3 

Computing is taught as a bespoke subject with lessons for each class throughout KS3. We teach computing skills in a carefully planned progression over two year learning blocks, including skills and knowledge in: coding and computational thinking; computer infrastructure; spreadsheets; communication and networks. We introduce our learners to each of these areas when developmentally appropriate, and we develop their skills progressively and seek out every opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills our pupils have learnt across the curriculum. 

Key Stage 4 

Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Tech Award in Digital Information Technology
The digital sector is a major source of employment in the UK. Digital skills span all industries, and almost all jobs in the UK today require employees to have a good level of digital literacy. The modern world expects digital skills to be as important as English and Maths. Having both technical skills and business understanding is the key to success.

In this qualification, which is 120 GLH, you will develop important technical skills in data interpretation, data presentation and data protection. You will cover aspects of user interface (UI) design and development, and learn how to develop a project plan for your own UI designs.

You will develop an understanding of what cyber security is and the importance of legal and ethical considerations when using modern technologies. This qualification will enable you to use project-planning tools, models and techniques within a digital context. You will develop an understanding of what a virtual work environment is and how cloud technologies allow remote teams to work together more effectively.

Pearson GCSE (9-1) Computer Science
Computer Science has deep links with Mathematics, Science and Design Technology. Pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use computers to create programs, systems and a range of content.

Computer Science enables students to apply computational thinking in context, across both examined and non-examined assessments (NEA). The subject builds students’ ability to think computationally, within the context of a single scenario and prepare students to tackle real-world computer challenges.

Key Stage 5 

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) involves the use of computers in industry, commerce, the arts and elsewhere. IT includes aspects of IT systems architecture, human factors, project management and the general ability to use computers. Increasingly businesses are implementing IT strategies to manage and process data both to support many business processes and to deliver new opportunities.

This qualification is 360 GLH and is equivalent in size to 1 A level. The course is designed for students interested in an introduction to the study of creating IT systems to manage and share information, alongside other fields of study, with a view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses, but not necessarily in IT.

Students study the relationship between hardware, software and the fundamentals of computer systems. They will learn to manage and communicate information using databases. They will develop an understanding of social media and how it is used in the modern world by individuals and businesses. Finally, the students will also focus on website development, enhancing their skills ready for higher education or the workforce.

Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Information and Creative Technology

This qualification provides students with an engaging and stimulating introduction to the fundamentals of information technology. It is designed for pre-16 students working at level 2 who want to include a study of technology as part of their broader Key Stage 4 curriculum. This qualification is 120 GLH and is equivalent in size to 1 GCSE.

It provides an introduction to some of the key themes within the industry, for example enabling students to explore digital devices and the technology that enables them to share and exchange information. Students will develop and apply their knowledge of the sector while also developing a range of relevant practical, technical and creative skills. They will gain a broad understanding and knowledge of the industry and will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in new, practical and creative contexts.

Students will have the opportunity through optional units to extend this learning further to create, test and review digital products, or develop, test and review websites and databases.

Enrichment Opportunities

We provide extra classes outside of the normal timetabled lessons. This is open for all students studying ICT and provides them with the opportunity to work on their coursework assignments and further improve their ICT skills and grades.

For further information please contact us via email - schooladmin@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk