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Home Learning

Our philosophy at Bishop Douglass School is ‘be the best you can be‘.

Regular and consistent home learning fully supports this philosophy in that it:

  • provides opportunities for all students to achieve their potential;
  • promotes a positive ethos and culture in which learning and achievement can flourish, excel and be rewarded;
  • develops organisational skills, independent learning skills and helps create students that are capable of working to, and meeting, deadlines.

To assist students in organising their learning they are issued with a student journal. The journal is much more than just a homework diary. It contains a great deal of important information about Bishop Douglass School and students should have their journals in school at all times. Parents are encouraged to make comments, if appropriate, and to use the journal as a method of communication with the school.

Types of home learning

Homework is set on 'showmyhomework'  and can be in the form of a wide range of tasks, including: drawing, observing, research, extended project, model making or internet based activities (eg SAM learning, BBC Bitesize and MYMaths).

Purpose of home learning

  • provide an opportunity for students to deepen their learning and develop their interest and enthusiasm for the subject;
  • consolidate and reinforce students‘ skills, knowledge and understanding;
  • help students to develop the habits, motivation, confidence and skills required to become independent and lifelong learners;
  • help students to meet particular demands, such as the completion of any coursework;
  • help parents to become involved in their child‘s learning and work and help keep them informed about their child‘s progress.

Expectations of home learning

We expect students to:

  • write down their home learning assignment in their journals, noting the date it is due;
  • set aside enough time to complete their home learning to the best of their ability, preferably as soon after it is set as possible;
  • complete their home learning in an appropriate environment for study, away from distractions;
  • hand in their home learning in class on the day it is due, or to the teacher as soon after as possible if they are absent on the day.

We expect teaching staff to:

  • set home learning frequently and regularly, mark it promptly with comments and targets that will help students progress if acted upon;
  • set meaningful home learning activities that will help students build connections between what they have learned in individual lessons;
  • sanction students who fail to complete home based learning adequately or who fail to hand it in on time. Failure to complete homework will  result in an 'XHW' recorded in the journal.

We expect tutors to:

  • check that students have a journal (or temporary replacement if it is lost) every morning.
  • check journals every week and ensure students are recording their work.

We expect parents to:

  • provide their child with a suitable learning environment in which to complete their home based learning, without distractions;
  • support their children in completing their homework, assisting them where appropriate but allowing their children to work independently;
  • look at their child‘s exercise books and support their child‘s learning by helping them to act on the comments and targets provided by staff;
  • check and sign journals weekly;
  • feedback any concerns about homework to the relevant Year Leader.