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Bishop Douglass Catholic School

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At Bishop Douglass School we provide a broad, balanced and diverse curriculum within the framework of the National Curriculum.

 At Bishop Douglass School we provide a broad, balanced and diverse curriculum within the framework of the National Curriculum.  We place extra emphasis on developing literacy and numeracy skills and extra time is devoted to these in Key Stages 3 and 4.  Our Highly Able programme identifies those with particular strengths and enables them to make accelerated progress.  In our bespoke mentoring programme, students are helped to develop their learning and study skills.  Our after-school extra lesson provision for examination candidates is recognised for the positive contribution it makes to examination results.  

The formal curriculum consists of twenty-five one hour periods. Four lessons take place in the morning and there is one lesson in the afternoon. Our after school curriculum consists of revision lessons for those taking public examinations and a wide variety of clubs and after-school activities. We provide supported study until 6pm with our ‘Evening Prep’.

At Key Stage 4 we offer an eclectic range of GCSE and vocational courses to suit the creative, sporting, practical and academic learner including Art, Business Studies, Design and Technology, Drama, Geography, History, Media Studies, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, Sociology and Sport.

We take pride in our achievements with students of all abilities, and their outstanding results at GCSE, A-level and in vocational subjects, as well as a very high value-added score.

A major strength of our teaching is the genuine determination of staff to be ‘the best they can be’ in line with the school’s mission statement. The collaborative and supportive approach to planning, alongside robust monitoring, evaluation, and the professional development of staff, all contribute to sustaining excellent day-to-day teaching. A wide range of resources are carefully matched to students’ needs so that deep learning is characteristic of work in class. We subscribe to various online providers including ‘SAM learning’ and ‘MyMaths’ which are accessible to our students from home. Pace, challenge and skilful questioning are consistent features in encouraging the students to think critically and develop their numeracy and literacy. Students are taught in sensibly sizes classes – grouped as appropriate, according to ability or interest – to ensure that the individual’s learning needs can be met. Well-considered homework, supplemented by challenge tasks, is relentlessly pursued by both staff and students to consolidate and advance learning.

Our Library plays an important role in the life of our school. Facilities are available for students to borrow books and literature for academic as well as recreational purposes or for students to enjoy at lunchtime and after school.

The teaching is stimulating and we ensure that students understand how to learn best. We recognise that children learn in various ways and so we strive to use approaches, techniques and technologies which will maximise progress for all. The work of teachers and subject departments is kept under regular review, so that we can be sure that students are getting the best opportunities for success. We encourage our teachers to keep up to date with developments in the subject area and in the school curriculum.

Our success is based upon mutual respect and a collective vision of education and a drive for high achievement which is shared by all.

The School Day

Registration 8:45-9:10
Module 1 9:10-10:10
Module 2 10:10-11:10
Break 11:10-11:30
Module 3 11;30-12:30
Module 4 12:30-13:30
Lunch 13:30-14:15
Module 5 14:10-15:15

Key Stage 4 Guided Choices Booklet

Key Stage 4 Guided Choices booklet


For further information please contact us via email - schooladmin@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk