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Careers Education

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Strategy

In providing CEIAG we will have regard to the Gatsby guidelines.

Throughout Years 7 to 11, students have the opportunity to participate in a wealth of visits, courses, events and activities designed to increase their future prospects. By engaging in our careers programme, students will leave Bishop Douglass with life and employability skills, increasing their competitive edge, equipped with the knowledge and experiences for success and prepared to seize every opportunity.

Provider Access Policy Statement

 We will endeavour to provide:

1. A rich and informative careers programme with clearly identified aims and events, customised for each year group of the school. 
2. A programme that incorporates the latest information from career and labour market current trends, thus updating pupils on the pathways and study options available to them, particularly in the local area. 
3. Each student with access to guidance and analysis which allows them to discuss their careers and training options for when they leave school. 
4. Relevant information in curriculum subject areas as to how different courses of study lead or predispose towards different careers. 
5. Timely encounters with employers and employees.
6. Work experience in Year 10 for each pupil.  Work experience will additionally be built into vocational programmes of study where appropriate. 
7. Opportunities for pupils in every year group to have encounters with personnel from further and higher education.
8. Personal guidance from an independent and impartial careers advisor (during Year 11). 

We aspire to present information to our pupils in an objective and impartial manner, highlighting the full-range of education and training options including apprenticeships and technical education routes.    This aspect of our programme will begin in Year 8 and continue through to the Sixth Form (the designated age ranges).

We are open to ensuring there are opportunities for a range of bona fide education and training providers to present information to pupils (in the designated age ranges) pertinent to opportunities.  Providers wishing to present at the school should contact Ms A Shimwell for a discussion.  We will also keep a library of materials in an accessible place for pupils. 

School Visits

Providers wishing to present at the school should contact Ms Shimwell for a discussion.  We will also keep a library of materials in an accessible place for pupils.

Provider Access Policy Statement

Careers Framework

The careers program at Bishop Douglass is designed to prepare all pupils for their future employment and give them the skills and confidence to be the best they can be. Careers education at Bishop Douglass takes place throughout drop down sessions, in form time, and throughout the curriculum and aims to be robust and challenging of stereotypes. The careers education at Bishop Douglass is linked to the Labour Market information available for London so that pupils are able to make the best possible choices for themselves. In addition to individual careers advice, all pupils receive training on the skills that they need to survive the world of work including CV writing, interview skills, work experience, as well as education on personal finance so they can understand the implications of their career and subject choices. Pupils will encounter at least one employer per academic year. Pupils learning and outcomes are monitored throughout form time booklets, drop down lessons and in happy sheets and pupil progression and destinations data. Pupils individual career appointments are recorded, and the data circulated to their year team leader and form tutor to follow up on throughout form time.

Careers Framework

Careers Programme Overview


Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Programme 2024/2025


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Year 12

Year 13



-Form time and PSHE

-Assembly Career Talks

-Form time and PSHE

-Assembly Career Talks

-Form time and PSHE

-Assembly Career Talks

-Complete Start Profile

-Form time and PSHE

-Individual Careers Meetings

-Assembly Career Talks

-Peer Mentoring

-Access Project

-Form time and PSHE

-Careers talk from Speakers for Schools

-Individual Careers Meetings

-Assembly Career Talks

-6th form interviews

-Update Start Profile

-Form time and PSHE

-Assembly Career Talks

-Academic Mentoring

-Opportunity to speak to careers adviser

-Access Project

-Sutton Trust


-Form time and PSHE

-Post 18 options

-University open days and visits

-University interview prep

-Oxbridge Guidance

-Summer school application support


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-Form time and PSHE

-Assembly Career Talks

-Form time and PSHE

-Assembly Career Talks

-Form time and PSHE

-Assembly Career Talks

-Options Evening Booklets

-Form time and PSHE

-Individual Careers Meetings

-Apprenticeship Talk- National Apprenticeship Week

-Mock Interviews

-Assembly Career Talks

-Peer Mentoring

-Access Project

-Form time and PSHE

-Individual Careers Meetings

-6th Form taster day

-Post-16 pathways

-Assembly Career Talks


-Form time and PSHE

University Taster Days

-Apprenticeship Talk- National Apprenticeship Week

-Assembly Career Talks

-Access Project


-Form time and PSHE

-UCAS Guidance

-University open days and visits

-Bespoke careers talk with people in industry across various subject (e.g. Law, Medicine)

-Oxbridge Guidance


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-Form time and PSHE

-Assembly Career Talks

-Form time and PSHE

-Assembly Career Talks

-Form time and PSHE

-Options process and assemblies

-Guided options meetings

-Form time and PSHE

-Future Skills Questionnaire

-Work Experience

-Individual Careers Meetings

-Assembly Career Talks

-Peer Mentoring

-Access Project

-Form time and PSHE

-Individual Careers Meetings

-Assembly Career Talks





-Form time and PSHE

-Future Skills Questionnaire

-Assembly Career Talks

-Access Project

-Form time and PSHE


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Monitoring and Evaluation

Student Destinations


Year 11

  • 73% of Year 11 progressed to the Sixth Form
  • 25% of Year 11 went on to Further Education with other providers including apprenticeships
  • 2% of Year 11 moved abroad

Year 13

  • 95% of Year 13 went on to University
  • 4% of Year 13 went on to gap year/employment
  • 1% unemployed


Year 11

  • 80% of Year 11 progressed to the Sixth Form
  • 18% of Year 11 went on to Further Education with other providers including apprenticeships
  • 1% of Year 11 went abroad

Year 13

  • 88% of Year 13 went on to University
  • 12% of Year 13 went on to gap year/employment


Year 11

  • 75% of Year 11 progressed to the Sixth Form
  • 21% of Year 11 went on to Further Education with other providers including apprenticeships
  • 3% of Year 11 went on directly to employment
  • 1% of Year 11 moved abroad

Year 13

  • 97% of Year 13 went on to University
  • 2% of Year 13 went on to gap year/employment
  • 1% of Year 11 moved abroad


Year 11

  • 76% of Year 11 progressed to the Sixth Form
  • 24% of Year 11 went on to Further Education with other providers including apprenticeships
  • 0% of Year 11 went on directly to employment

Year 13

  • 94.2% of Year 13 went on to University
  • 5.8% of Year 13 went on to gap year/employment


Year 11

  • 74.7% of Year 11 progressed to the Sixth Form
  • 25.3% of Year 11 went on to Further Education with other providers

Year 13

  • 92% of Year 13 went to University
  • 7% of Year 13 went on to gap year/employment/training/apprenticeships
  • 1% of Year 13 went on to other Education


Year 11

  • 68% of Year 11 progressed to the Sixth Form
  • 25% of Year 11 went on to Further Education with other providers
  • 1% of Year 11 went on to apprenticeships
  • 0% of Year 11 went on directly to employment
  • 1% of Year 11 – destination unknown
  • 5% of Year 11 – Other (left the country; illness)

Year 13

  • 89% of Year 13 went to University
  • 9% of Year 13 went on to gap year/employment/training/apprenticeships
  • 2% of Year 13 went on to other Education




Careers Lead: Ms A Shimwell  

Contact: careers@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk  

Telephone: 020 8444 5211  

Our Team: 

Ms Shimwell is our lead responsible for CEIAG (Careers Education, Information and Guidance) and co-ordinates the programme whole school.

Ms Prina (Assistant Headteacher/ Head of Sixth Form) is responsible for Higher Education and supports students with course choices, career and university options. She is always available for students to drop in and talk through any questions they may have.

Ms Evi (Sixth Form Administrator) is responsible for UCAS applications. She is based in the 6th form study area and supports students with their UCAS applications, making bookings for university open days and taster days. She is always available for students to drop in and talk through any questions they may have.

Mrs Pavlou (Librarian) is responsible for Work Experience arrangements in Year 10.

Ms Mondesir (Independent Careers Advisor) provides regular coaching and one to one sessions and interviews for students. She provides students with up to date information on careers. She visits the school every 4 weeks and is based behind reception. Students in years 10-13 have access to full guidance appointments with Ms Mondesir. Appointments can be made by contacting Ms Shimwell.

Advice for parents:

Making decisions about the future can be as difficult for parents as it is for students. Therefore, it is important that parents have enough information to make an informed decision at each stage of their child’s education. In addition to raising questions or seeking advice from the school, including the staff members listed above, parents can also use the information provided below:


Advice for Pupils

Making decisions about the future can be as difficult for parents as it is for students. Therefore, it is important that parents have enough information to make an informed decision at each stage of their child’s education. In addition to raising questions or seeking advice from the school, including the staff members listed above, parents can also use the information provided below:

There are more resources for students on our Wakelet:

Year 7 to 11: https://wakelet.com/wake/OPZz2XFrI7nPRM6hhaCv8

Year 12 to 13: https://wakelet.com/wake/OPZz2XFrI7nPRM6hhaCv8

Advice for Staff

Resources for staff: https://wakelet.com/wake/EjzObiNlvn8wstWiC9XagCareers Suggestions

Careers Suggestions

Click here to complete the Bishop Douglass careers survey.