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Bishop Douglass Catholic School

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Join our Alumni Network

Attention Bishop Douglass Alumni! Reconnect and Inspire the Next Generation 🎓✨

We’re reaching out to all our amazing alumni to come back and make a difference in the lives of our current students! Your journey beyond Bishop Douglass is offers a wealth of experiences, wisdom, and inspiration that can truly shape the future of our students.

Ways You Can Get Involved:

Mentor students: Share your professional journey and insights.

Lead guest lectures and workshops: Offer practical knowledge and inspire future leaders. Participate in career talks and networking events: Help students explore career paths and build connections.

Volunteer: Join school events, extracurricular activities, and community service initiatives.

Ready to Make an Impact? Update Your Contact Information: Fill out our Alumni Form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=wXU5P_pNNEqoxgzdGzgQ4cXye26KhH1Hi13XKif_qAhUMVkwVzEwT1dMQzA5Uzc0R045T0Q1Q1hPVi4u.

Join Our Alumni Network: Connect with fellow alumni and stay informed about upcoming events in our LinkedIn Alumni Group https://www.linkedin.com/company/bdalumni/

Share Your Story: Email us your success stories and advice at careers@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk.

Reconnect with your alma mater and help the next generation of Bishop Douglass students achieve their dreams. Together, we can continue the pursuit of excellence!