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Bishop Douglass Catholic School

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In pursuit of excellence

Welcome to Bishop Douglass Catholic SchoolAn Academy in the Diocese of Westminster

We have high expectations of achievement for all.

As a Catholic community, we strive to uphold strong spiritual and moral values, both in and outside the classroom. Our philosophy is inclusive; we stretch our most able and support those with special and additional needs. We want to ensure that all have the opportunities they need to fulfil their potential.


Bishop Douglass Catholic School In Numbers


*Progress 8


*5+ in English & Maths


*4+ English & Maths


*Entering EBacc

*Current estimates 2023

Bishop Douglass Catholic School Meet our Students

  • “I applied to Bishop Douglass because I had a really good experience of the school when I was in Year 5 and 6, in primary school. I came to the school for a Football Tournament, which was brilliant fun! It was the first time I had visited a secondary school, everyone was really friendly and welcoming. I am looking forward to the next six years at Bishop Douglass.
    Shaun, Christ the King Alumni

  • "I have really enjoyed my experience so far. I have joined new clubs and taken part in shows and tournaments (Chess and Musical Theatre) and even visited Wales! Another highlight has been the new learning environment and resources – we can cook in huge kitchens, wear white lab coats and do real experiments and talk to someone about our career ambitions.”.
    Deborah, Tudor Primary School Alumni

  • “Bishop Douglass was my first-choice secondary school. I settled in very quickly in Year 7. I was joined by many friends, made even more new ones and my family have even worked and attended here themselves, so I always knew it was the right fit for me. It really is a community, everyone is so friendly and kind, and I am so happy with my decision. So far, I have already made life-long memories – from taking part in the Lion King as Simba to designing cool creations in DT, it has been so exciting”.
    George, Martin Primary School alumni 

  • “The transition programme really helped me to settle in and prepare for secondary school. From taster sessions and events to induction information and Summer School, I was ready in September for my next chapter. Belonging to this new community has been a really exciting experience, and achieving my goals too – get the highest grades I could, joining new clubs, becoming Prefect, School Council and Bertha Earth Ambassador, all of these I am so proud of. I take great joy in effecting positive change and exploring my passions, and that is exactly what this school has helped me to do”.Georgia, St Joseph’s Alumni

  • “My favourite subject is Drama, because it has helped to develop my confidence and learn new skills, and it is a very interesting, interactive and fun new subject! I look forward to pushing myself further out of my comfort zone by taking part and performing in a school production soon”.
    Zuzana, St Theresa’s Alumni 

Upcoming Events: 

February Half Term: 17th February to 21st February 2025 - all pupils to return to school on the 24th February 2025

Community Languages Evening: (Selected Parents) 27th February 2025 at 4:30 pm

Year 11 Virtual Open Evening: 4th March 2025 at 5pm.

Bishop Douglass Sixth Form

Applications are now open for our excellent 6th form. External students - please download the application form and email to 6thform@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk 


Top 3% of Schools Nationally 2023


We are very proud to announce that the 2023 GCSE exam results place us in the top 3% of schools nationally for progress! Congratulations to all our students and staff on this tremendous achievement.

If you would like to visit us, to see our wonderful school in action, please contact schooladmin@bishopdouglass.barnet.sch.uk for a personal tour.